Friday, August 3, 2012

Living Clean In A Dirty World - Charles Stanley

Is charles stanley a freemason?  He says living the Christian life is not easy. The reason for this is because conflict exists between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Dr. Stanley explains three key principles to help you keep the grime off!

Living Clean In A Dirty World - Part 1
Living Clean In A Dirty World - Part 2

Since pluralism and exclusivism oppose one another, it is impossible for Freemasonry and Christianity to be reconciled. This has significant implications for churches. There are many folks who want to be both Christians and Masons. However, they can't have it both ways. No one can follow the teachings of both Jesus Christ and Freemasonry. As oil and water do not mix, neither do Freemasonry and Christianity.
Eric Carpenter

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