Sunday, November 23, 2014

Renouncing the Darkness of Freemasonry

Break Masonic Curses Renunciation Prayer

Renouncing literally means “speaking off one’s self”.  It can be translated: “to command away”.  It means to take strong verbal action to reject, cut off, totally disown, or break the legal right of something.That is why our words are powerful and can bring life or death to a person.
That’s what we need to do in order to break and cancel the effects of Masonic curses.  Because of the spiritual nature of the words they use, we need to take strong spiritual, verbal action against them, just like the word “resist” in James 4:7.

Our freedom has been won for us at the Cross of Calvary – but it has to be appropriated!
We need to completely renounce the devil’s hold over our lives, and our households.  Verbalise it out loud with the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ to Whom we blong to.  We need to declare uncompromisingly that no lingering demonic foothold will remain in our home.  No curse will any longer prosper against us and break the demonic stronghold from the next upcoming generations.
Because the oaths are taken verbally at the alter of Freemasonry, they must be verbally renounced and revoked before the alter of God, i.e. in sincere worship before Him.
There are many Masonic vows taken by verbal oaths, which are binding by blood.  If these are not renounced by the Freemason, or someone in the family line, the person will not be releasead from its bondage.

When a man leaves Freemasonry he is not released from his oaths.  There is no mechanism for unswearing them.  By confession, repentance and renouncing in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we can release the blood of Jesus to wash away the power of these blood oaths, and we can call upon the Name of the Lord to be totally delivered.  This will help bring in revival again!  That is the stronghold over Dallas, Texas, which was founded by Freemasons.

Did you know the First Baptist Church of Dallas met at the masonic lodge before its first church was built?  Does that tell you something about the leadership or roots of the church?
God has always required someone to take accountabiilty for the unconfessed “sins of the fathers”.  They need to be named and cleansed off or they remain unaccounted for.  They need to be specifically taken to the Cross.
Renounce (out loud) all of your family’s involvement with Freemasonry, and any other Lodge, craft, secret society, cult, etc.  Declare that the curses and all lingering effects are stopped now, because of the Cross of Jesus Christ and the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood.  REpent for your family from all involvement with these satanic rituals.  Reent from any office that your family linage held in the Lodge, society or cult.
Any unforgiveness you are harboring over anyone binds you to the sin another has committed against you (John 20:23).  Forgiveness canccels it and begins to undo its effect.
by: Traci Morin

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