Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Delivered From Spiritual Bondage of Freemasonry


Delivered From Spiritual Bondage of Freemasonry

During my military assignment at Sasebo, Japan in 1996 I was searching for something positive to do with my life. I would notice a group of men always hanging out together wearing ball caps and fancy rings (The ring had a square and compass with a "G" in the middle). When I inquired about the symbol the gentleman said to me, "You don't know? Well you have to research it then come talk to me about it." Shortly afterward I started searching the Internet and reading books at the library about the fraternal group called "freemasons". After my research about Prince Hall Freemasonry, I had requested a petition to join the group. The individual told me before I could petition to join I had to knock first (A fraternity criteria). So I started asking around and found out that there was a Masonic Lodge #9 located in Sasebo Japan. I then asked someone I knew for a petition, filled it out and paid a fee of several hundred dollars. I was interviewed and later told I was accepted for the initiation.
I was then taken to the lodge to be initiated as an entered apprentice (The first degree). 

I was told I would have to remove all of my cloths except my under shorts. Then I was to put on a blindfold and a pair of pants with one pant leg lifted up and a rope tied around my neck. I was nervous so they assured me that nothing would happen. I was lead around the lodge to different seating arrangements in the east, west and south. In the center of the seating arrangements was an alter. I was asked in whom do I put my trust (I said in God because I was prompted to do so). After the process of going around to the different stations, I was told to kneel down at the alter and swear an oath and kiss the Holy Bible. My oath was a few paragraphs long but I remember that I had to swear and promise to God that I would rip my tongue out and cut my throat from ear to ear if I revealed any of the secret arts or points of freemasonry. At that time I was not saved nor serving our Lord Christ Jesus. After that night concluded I was handed a book in which I was told to study for the initiation. I was also told that in order to proceed to the next initiation I would have to commit to memory parts of what happened that night and my sworn oath.

After a month I was so anxious to do this that I studied hard and was ready for the next initiation called the fellow craft (The Second degree). The same process took place except my left chest was exposed while my right chest was covered and rope was tied around my arm. Again I went around the different seating arrangements and was harassed and hit. I had to take another oath this time that I would promise and swear to God to rip my chest open and feed my inner parts to the fowls of the air if I revealed any of the secret arts or points.

Another month passed and I was ready to finally complete my initiation to master mason (The third degree) and become a full member of the freemasons. I would then be a part of the fraternity and feel proud to be a part of something. During this initiation I was blindfolded with no shirt on and a rope was tied around my waist. After the usual questions I was told I would have to play the part of Hiram Abiff, so they began the drama play and said that three people killed me and I was to lay down. They planted an acacia tree at the head of my fake grave and began a play of the completion of the building of King Solomon's temple. I was supposedly raised from the dead by the worshipful master of the lodge and placed in an upright position (Foot to foot, knee to knee, chest to chest, hand to back and mouth to ear) and some words were whispered into my ear (ma-ha-bon) that was supposedly the secret password of a master mason. I then proceeded to take my third and final oath that I was to swear and promise to God that I would sever my body in twain and let it burn if I was to reveal any of the secret arts or points of freemasonry. I was given a masonic birth certificate stating that I was now born, buried and raised to the sublime degree of a master mason.
In 1999 I moved to Misawa AB, Japan. One day shortly after arriving I read the local newspaper and looked at a listing of Church's and decided to attend Misawa Church Of God In Christ under the Pastoral leadership of Elder Keven Ward. I felt in my heart that I had to be a member of this Church and the body of Christ. I wrote a letter to the masons and told them I no longer wanted to be a part of this group. I thought I was finished with this occult group but only a few months later I joined the Prince Hall Freemasons O' Misawa Lodge #54. This group was MUCH worse than the others. Prince Hall Masons (P.H.A.) required extreme hands on and physical abuse to join their fraternal ranks. After I acknowledged Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I joined Misawa COGIC on 21 May 2000 and was Baptized the following month. I began seeing things in different way. The Holy Spirit gave me strong conviction about the demonic influence of freemasonry. So I started asking members of the lodge about the contradiction between what the Bible says and what their mason ritual says. They just brushed me off and said that is why we don't tell people who and what we are. Shortly after, I asked different Pastor's their view about freemasonry and they all said that Jesus has no secrets. I was looking for an answer that I wanted to hear and at that time I wanted to hear that I could be both a Christian and a mason. In my heart I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to come out from freemasonry. At that point I went into a 24 hour fast (without ceasing) and cleansing of my home. I washed my face and anointed my head with oil (Matthew 6:17) and began to read the Gospel. Later on the day of my fast, I began to have pain in my stomach but continued to pray in the name of Jesus Christ and felt comforted. I threw away all books I had and got rid of all material pertaining to this group. I then anointed my home with oil. The Holy Bible (KJV) tells us that demonic strongholds are only broken by fasting and praying (Matt 17:18-21). While I thought I had won the battle, I stumbled and found myself involved with freemasonry again. At first I was questioning myself and wondering why I was playing ping-pong with the group and going back and forth. I thank God for His Mercy and His Grace. I prayed and asked God if freemasonry was not in His will for me then speak it through a certain person. When I spoke to this individual and mentioned the word freemason she immediately told me that I must come out of that unclean group. The Bible tells us in II Corinthians 6:17, WHEREFORE COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, AND BE YE SEPARATE, SAITH THE LORD, AND TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING; AND I WILL RECEIVE YOU. After my conversation with this person I was convicted and finally set free. I went to my pastor and asked him to forgive me for leaving the Church and not listening when he tried to help me see the truth. He is a true man of God and knew that the Holy Spirit would do His job.

After being completely delivered and set free by the blood of Jesus Christ, my life changed forever. I began reading the Bible and Tithing (Malachi 3:10-11). I started serving my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with my whole heart. In 2001, I started working on my calling to the Ministry as a Deacon. And in May 2002, God put it upon my heart to start Ministering the Gospel by witnessing to people about the Spiritual bondage of freemasonry. I gave my initial trial Sermon on 11 August 2002 and was Licensed as a Minister. The light must be shed that there are a lot of Church's infested with masons that are in leadership positions and this is not God’s will. God's will is that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance (II Peter 3:9). The Lord answered my prayers for a Christian wife and on April 5, 2002 I was married.
The reason for this testimony is that Jesus Christ wants everyone to know that He already paid the price. There is no reason for anyone to join a dark occult group and get ran into the ground. He shed His blood to set everyone free from bondage. I truly thank God for setting me free. I know that He has a plan for my life and the first step for all people is to acknowledge sin and repent. I pray that my testimony will touch someone's heart to turn from freemasonry. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (Revelation 12:11

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